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COMPAS Panel: Testing, Quarantines, and Contact Tracing Privacy in a Pandemic
Until We Have a Vaccine — Surveillance, Testing and Contact Tracing
Contact-Tracing for Covid-19: technology options and privacy solutions
COMPAS Panel: Lockdowns, Masks, and Social Distancing The Politics of Public Health
The White House declines contact tracing help
CARES Act – COVID-19 Contact Tracing
Discussion with Public Health Officials on COVID-19 Testing, Contact Tracing, and More
Privacy by design... building a website
Webinar: Digital Health as a key tool for building resilient health systems in a COVID-19 world
Real-World Solutions to Real-World Problems Panel: Pandemics, Privacy, and Public Policy
Assessing the impact of adopting a 'security' lens in response to Covid-19: HL Convening on UNCT&HR
Assessing the impact of adopting a 'security' lens in response to COVID19 HL Convening on UNCT & HR